Sunday Summary #97 - Time, February Budget, and a Bonus Video

Sunday Summary #97 - Time, February Budget, and a Bonus Video

Sunday Summary #97

Time, February Expenses, and a Bonus Video

Hi ,

Welcome to Scho & Jo’s 97th Sunday Summary. This edition of the Sunday Summary was written on a Wednesday aboard PIVOT who is anchored in Islamorada, Florida.

    Last Week.

    Our last Sunday Summary was sent after we completed our Great Loop and exchanged our white AGLCA flag for a yellow one. We’ve been cruising with that yellow flag at our bow and each time we see it well starched, bright, and a reminder of the 5,787 nautical miles that earned us the title of “Gold Looper” is such a sweet feeling. After spending two days decompressing in Stuart while waiting out some weather, we began our journey south to meet our friends for some fun times in the Florida Keys.

    We met up with our friends, Adam and Kathryn from

    , and enjoyed 8 days together exploring Key Biscayne at Bill Baggs State Park, Biscayne National Park, swimming at Carysfort Reef for our most magical day on a reef, exploring John Pennekamp State Park, and made our way to one of our favorite anchorages in the Keys at Islamorada. It was a full week of slow mornings enjoying coffee and tea on the flybridge, snorkeling, wildlife spottings, dinghy rides, and lots of jumping into the water. Boating is a lot of fun, but it’s even more memorable when we can share these experiences with friends!

    After Adam and Kathyrn left us, we’ve been enjoying working. It may sound weird to read that, but we love what we do, and it’s been so nice to not have to worry about moving the boat and using all daylight hours to workout, edit videos, and watch the sunsets. It’s a much simpler life since we know where we’re getting groceries and water, have a free weekly pump-out service, and know where we can take Ollie to shore. We’ve been getting into a really enjoyable workflow with a usual 4pm dip in the water to cool off. Ollie spends most of her day on the flybridge which we’ve nicknamed “Ollie’s clubhouse” as she enjoys the cool breeze and shade as she’s able to watch the action in the anchorage.

    This Week.

    We’re continuing to edit videos, work on some products we’ll be releasing soon, and catch up on work. Our videos where we go through multiple locks have had about 3 hours of footage to sort through extending our average editing time from 2 days to now 3-4 days to edit one video. It’s been a time-consuming matter, but reliving these memories in Canada has been so much fun. With each of these videos, we wish we were going back to visit. Although we won’t be visiting this summer, we know we’ll be visiting Canada by boat again in the future. Until then, we’re brainstorming 2023 plans, work schedules, and the next item we’re checking off our bucket list.

    “Time you enjoy wasting is not wasted time.”– Marthe Troly-Curtin


    Here are the latest videos since our last Sunday Summary:

    Our first town on the Trent-Severn Waterway - Campbellford (Sweetest Bakery, Hiking, and Loop Magic)

    COMMUNICATION put to the test with HIGH WINDS while RAFTING in HUGE LOCKS on the Trent-Severn

    The HIGHEST Hydraulic LIFT LOCK in the WORLD (Peterborough Lift Lock, Trent-Severn Waterway)


    Our friends, Adam and Kathryn from Adventures of A+K, joined us for a week of boat life in the Florida Keys. This trip has been 15 months in the making and we're so glad we had such beautiful weather to experience the magic of the Florida Keys. You can get a sneak peek of our Gold Flag swaying in the wind and our best day exploring Carysfort Reef with some truly incredible conditions where we swam with sea turtles, saw some beautiful fish, and jumped into the beautiful clear blue water for hours. They made an awesome video from our time together in the keys which you can check out here:

    The BEST week of BOAT LIFE in the Florida Keys (with Scho & Jo!) 🛥🌴

     Monthly Expenses. 

    Since February has come to a close, we have wrapped up our February Great Loop Expense Report. We had our third least expensive month on the loop thanks to anchoring.

    Next week I'll be sharing our final Great Loop Expense Report compiling a full year on the Great Loop!

    I would love to know if there's any sort of metric you’re interested in seeing. A few people have reached out about gallons of diesel, average fuel burn, or total oil changes on our loop as metrics to help them plan their own. If there are any additional stats you’d be interested in reading about, please let us know!

     Monthly Stats. 

    As February has come to a close, here is our Nebo travel log:

    Nights at a marina dock: 0

    Nights on a mooring ball: 2

    Nights on a free dock: 0

    Nights on a paid dock: 1

    Nights on a free lock wall: 0

    Nights on a paid lock wall: 0

    Nights at anchor: 25

     From the Eyes of Ollie. 

    I’m always on dolphin watch! I can hear the dolphins from my bed with their blow spouts. My parents are not as alerted by the dolphins as I am. We’ve been going for morning walks as soon as we get up before it gets really hot during the day. Then I spend my afternoons in my “clubhouse” as my parents have nicknamed it (read: flybridge). I nap in the shade and am ready to look out for dolphins if they swim by our boat.


    The various chapters in life bring us different things to enjoy and embrace. The past year was a lot of fun and very exciting traveling around the Great Loop, but also exhausting from juggling two very full plates as entreprenurs. Our current chapter is embracing “island time” in the keys while settling into boat life as we start the massive task of catching up on videos. We have over 100 videos to edit to complete our Great Loop daily vlogs. We’re also working on some products we’ve created that we hope to release soon. This current chapter, although overwhelming by the sheer amount of work we have to catch up on, is also so much more manageable in terms of juggling everything on our plate. We’re grateful for everything the loop gave us, but are equally happy to have completed our loop so we can devote more time to growing our business.

    Peace and love,Jenn + Elliot