Sunday Summary #73 - The Hudson River Valley + 10K

Sunday Summary #73 - The Hudson River Valley + 10K Subs on YouTube! 🎉

Sunday Summary #73

The Hudson River Valley + 10K Subs on YouTube! 🎉

Hi ,

Welcome to Scho & Jo’s 73rd Sunday Summary. This edition of the Sunday Summary was written aboard PIVOT who is cruising north on the Hudson River in New York.

    Last Week.

    The sense of relief we’ve felt since being in New York and having New Jersey behind us this week has been insurmountable. I don’t think I knew just how much stress and anxiety I was carrying until it was gone. The pressure in my chest and shoulders dissipated and excitement for our upcoming cruises filled the boat. We spent 3 days at a marina in Staten Island where we saw a ton of family. We had my sister, nephew, sister-in-law, uncle, and cousin aboard PIVOT, took my 2-year-old nephew out for a dinghy ride and got some boat projects completed. It was a packed few days that concluded with my mom spending two nights with us as left Staten Island and made our way into New York Harbor. This was a very special cruise for me because being born on Long Island, my family would go into the city frequently. New York holds a very near and dear place in my heart, so this cruise was extra special. We cruised under the Verrazzano Bridge, past the Statue of Liberty, and next to Elis Island. We even had a special appearance by Jen’s cousin via helicopter, but we’ll save that for the vlog. After spending the night taking in the lights of lower Manhattan, we made our way up the Hudson River. The Hudson River Valley has been a pleasant surprise. We didn’t expect much from the Hudson River, but we’ve been blown away by the mountains on either side and had the opportunity to go hiking. It’s been such an incredible experience!Lastly, we celebrated hitting 10,000 subscribers on our YouTube channel. It’s been such a memorable week! 🎉

    "A traveler without observation is a bird without wings."- Moslih Eddin Saadi

    This Week.

    Although the Great Loop is a fairly straightforward path, there are a few paths that can be taken in the northern, summer section. We’ll be making a big decision this week: do we cruise into Canada or stay in the United States? In less than 100 miles, we’ll be making our first decision: to continue cruising along the Hudson north to Lake Champlain, visit towns in Vermont, and up to Canada where we could see Montreal and the Rideau Canal OR do we turn left and cruise the full length of the Erie Canal to Lake Erie OR turn left and cruise halfway down the Erie Canal, turn north towards Lake Ontario and make our way up to Canada and the Trent Severn? So many GREAT options, and so little time. If we could, we would do it all! Each option is beautiful and has so much to offer. Every loop is different and unique.Our buddy boat for the Atlantic sections, Crustacean, is from Florida and has spent a decent amount of time cruising around Florida, the Bahamas, and the other southern states. Their plan is to spend two years completing the Great Loop, leaving their boat in the northeast so they can do as much as possible in this area. After learning about all of the great things each path has to offer, we feel that Crustacean’s plan is excellent unless you’re planning on doing the loop multiple times. Just some food for thought for those of you planning or thinking about your own loop!


    Incase you missed it, here are all the vlogs we’ve released since our last Sunday Summary:

    Ice Cream in the Bear City before heading into the Sailing Capital of North Carolina, Oriental!


    Thank you for your patience in the past few weeks as our videos haven’t been as regular and frequent as we would have liked. We’re excited to say that we have several videos lined up for the next two weeks! You can expect to see 3 new videos this week 🥳

     Great Loop Recommendations. 

    We are looking for recommendations for destinations and spots along our Great Loop to go see, visit, and enjoy. It's been a real challenge for us to keep track and stay organized with the many wonderful recommendations we've received thus far. So we've created a Google Form to help us stay organized. Thank you to everyone sending us recommendations so far! We really appreciate it.


    We’re grateful to be back in the mountains. It’s awe-inspiring to look around and be surrounded by these beasts of mountains, covered with lush green trees and rock cliffs, all while sitting in the wide Hudson River. It’s such a neat part of the Loop and we’ve been savoring these views.Lastly, happy father's day to all the dads, grandfathers, and uncles out there. We hope you're having an aswesome day!

    Peace and love,Jenn + Elliot