Sunday Summary #62 -

Sunday Summary #62 - Georgia. It feels good.

Sunday Summary #62

Georgia. It feels good.

Hi ,

Welcome to Scho & Jo’s 62nd Sunday Summary. This edition of the Sunday Summary was written on a Wednesday aboard PIVOT who is anchored near Fort Frederica on the Mackay River near St. Simon’s Island, GA.

    Last Week.

    After a few days full of doctor appointments, vet appointments, and family time in St. Augustine. It was great to spend some time with our parents, eat some home cooked food, and hang out. It was a very full week and made the most of it by squeezing in as much quality time as we could amongst the work.

    On our return to PIVOT, Jen’s mom joined us for a night on the boat before we brought her back to land and continued north. We had our longest cruising day yet, and it wasn’t without a little bit of drama. We left St. Augustine shortly after sunrise with our final destination of St. Mary’s, Georgia on the radar. We knew it was going to be a long cruising day, but what we didn’t expect was our v-belt to break, causing our engine to overheat, and us having to anchor immediately. We really lucked out thanks to Elliot catching the gauges early, having a spare part, having good weather conditions, and being next to the Fernandina Beach anchorage - a safe place to anchor. We’ll save the excitement for the vlog, but you can rest assured we got it fixed and made our way to St. Mary’s.

    Once we arrived to St. Mary’s, we were welcomed by Jen’s aunt and uncle who joined us for a fun weekend at Cumberland Island. We explored Sea Camp and Dungeness at the southern part of Cumberland and then headed north to Plum Orchard. We enjoyed 3 days of wonderful weather and had a blast walking around the ruins, learning about the history of the Carnegie family, and enjoying the raw nature on the island. We hiked over 20 miles and were completely exhausted by the end of it. It was a lot of fun and we can’t wait to share it with you on YouTube!

    Cruising back into Georgia has been amazing! We wake up to hearing the birds, theres miles and miles of salt marshes surrounding our cruising routes, and the Spanish Oak trees grace us with their gentle grandeur. The significant tide change allows us to see the passing of time as nature is our clock. It feels really, really good to be back in Georgia.

    "Sometimes you never know the value of a momentuntil it becomes a memory."-Dr. Seuss

    This Week.

    We are continuing north! This week we’ll be visiting maybe Jekyll Island, maybe Brunswick, maybe St. Simon’s, maybe Kilkenny, and maybe Savannah. I think you can spot the theme here... we really don’t have much of a plan. We have some weather warnings forecasted this week with some small craft advisories, which will mean we’re staying in place for an extra day or two to wait out the nasty weather. We’re looking forward to seeing some sights we didn’t see on our previous northbound journey like Fort Frederica National Monument which is the remains of a colonial fort and settlement from James Oglethorpe in 1736. We’re looking forward to cruising through the beautiful waterways in Georgia, learning new things, and continuing our adventure.


    Incase you missed it, here are all the vlogs we’ve released since our last Sunday Summary:

    Tips for saving diesel on an old trawler (and installing a Victron Orion for Alternator Charging)

    A LONG BUSY day cruising from Miami through Fort Lauderdale with OVER 20 bridges

    RAIN ALL DAY from Delray Beach to Stuart on the Great Loop


    Incase you missed it, we wrote a comprehensive blog post that answered many of the frequent questions we get about cruising with a dog on America's Great Loop. Everything from how often she goes to shore to her "business on the boat" solutions, vet visits, and everything in between.

     Great Loop Recommendations. 

    We are looking for recommendations for destinations and spots along our Great Loop to go see, visit, and enjoy. It's been a real challenge for us to keep track and stay organized with the many wonderful recommendations we've received thus far. So we've created a Google Form to help us stay organized.


    Our cups are so full after this past weekend with Jen's aunt and uncle. It was such a joy to explore Cumberland Island with them and take them out on PIVOT. They were able to experience many facets of boat life with us including spray on the dinghy rides from land to PIVOT, enjoying beautiful sunsets, killing no-seeums, and the joy of dolphins swimming with us at the bow. It was a pretty special weekend. It's times like these that bring us the most joy because we're able to share this awesome adventure of the Great Loop with our friends and family. It's pretty special. 

    Peace and love,Jenn + Elliot