Sunday Summary #61 - We Raced Up Florida... Here’s Why

Sunday Summary #61 - We Raced Up Florida... Here’s Why

Sunday Summary #61

We Raced Up Florida... Here’s Why

Hi ,

Welcome to Scho & Jo’s 61st Sunday Summary. This edition of the Sunday Summary was written on a Tuesday at Jen’s parents house in Green Cove Springs, FL.

    Last Week.

    We had a busy week as we traveled north 293.2 nautical miles for a total of 50 hours and 35 minutes from No Name Harbor in Biscayne Bay to St. Augustine, Florida. We’re going to save a lot of the details for our videos but here’s what you can look forward to seeing:

    • Our bimini broke outside of Miami. Thankfully Elliot was able to makeshift fix it for our cruise that day and a few days later was able to fully fix it.

    • We got eaten alive by no-seeums in Vero Beach while sharing a mooring ball with some neighbors.

    • Had an AWESOME day exploring Vero Beach that made us say “this is why we bought a boat in the first place.”

    • Met up with Elliot’s grandparents for dinner in Cocoa Beach. It was a wonderful treat to see and spend time with them!

    • Got passed by the Director of the America’s Great Loop Cruisers Association (AGLCA), Kim Russo, as she completes her loop this year.

    • Welcomed Elliot’s dad, Michael on board PIVOT. He rode is bike 68 miles from St. Augustine to New Symrna Beach and rode with us going north the following day. It was an awesome day showing him PIVOT and a look at our “normal” day on the Loop.

    "Sharing adventures means enjoying them 100% more."-Unknown

    This Week.

    You may be wondering why we traveled almost 300 miles this week without stopping to see a lot of places. That’s because our families live in northeast Florida and several weeks ago we made several doctors appointments in during this week. We wanted to explore areas we don’t consider as close to home, so we stayed in the Keys longer than others might have. That’s the beauty of the loop, you can decide how long you want to be in a place, with respect to weather and overall loop schedules. Once we finish our many doctor appointments, we’ll be heading north to St. Mary’s so we can explore Cumberland Island with some of Jen’s family.

    In the upcoming weeks, we will be heading up the east coast in time for the AGLCA Spring Rendezvous in Norfolk, VA. Let us know if you’ll be attending and we can hopefully meet up while we’re there.


    We started releasing our Great Loop daily vlogs on YouTube! Incase you missed it, here are all the vlogs we’ve released since our last Sunday Summary:

    Learning about Sea Turtles and Closing out Marathon on the Great Loop

    Cruising on the Gulf from Marathon to Islamorada (North on the Great Loop)

    Shark, Dolphin, Crocodiles and more Exploring Everglades National Park (and trawler maintenance)

    From Rough Seas to GLASS (a full day cruising from Islamorada to Key Largo on the Great Loop)

    LAST OCEAN CRUISE in the Florida Keys to our Protected Hurricane Hole (No Name Harbor, Key Biscayne)

     Great Loop Recommendations. 

    We are looking for recommendations for destinations and spots along our Great Loop to go see, visit, and enjoy. It's been a real challenge for us to keep track and stay organized with the many wonderful recommendations we've received thus far. So we've created a Google Form to help us stay organized.

     Book & Resource Recommendations. 

    We are looking for books, websites, or resource recommendations for the various environments along the waterways on the Great Loop. We want to learn more about the plants and animals in the various ecosystems in the ever changing waterways along the loop. If you know of any great books to help us learn more about the regional environments we travel through, please email us!


    We are so happy to have had the opportunity to see some of Elliot’s family this week. It was a real highlight of our time coming north. There are many pro’s to the Great Loop and having a nomadic lifestyle, but one of the negatives is not being close to see family as often. It was a real highlight to see Elliot’s grandparents and have Elliot’s dad on board for a cruise on the ICW.

    Peace and love,Jenn + Elliot