Sunday Summary #6

Sunday Summary #6

Sunday Summary #06

Inca Trail, here we come!

Hola ,

Welcome to An Urban Journey’s sixth Sunday Summary. Here’s a quick recap of what happened last week and what’s to come:

Last Week.

We spent this last week in Cusco, Peru where we were acclimating to the high altitude before heading off to hike the Inca Trail. The majority of our time was spent working; Jennifer spent most of her days editing vlogs, while Elliot did a lot of trip planning. 

Some of the most memorable experiences in the past week: 

  • Trying unique fruits such as Maracuya.

  • Free Tours. We enjoyed a free walking tour with Inkan Milky Way guides. Our tour guide, Richard, was one of the best guides we’ve had in South America.

  • Food. Each meal we have in Peru continues to amaze us! We haven’t had a bad meal yet. It’s all been delicious!

We also posted a few more vlogs! We’re continuing to experiment with vlog lengths as it’s a learning process. Here are our most recent vlogs:

This Week.

Early this morning, our tour group picked us up for our 4 day/3 night Inca Trail trek. We’ll be arriving to Machu Picchu on Tuesday night and exploring Machu Picchu on Wednesday. On Thursday we will be celebrating Thanksgiving at a local restaurant in Cusco just the two of us. Starting on Friday, we have several long travel days. 

  • Inca Trail. Hiking 26 miles or 42 km over 4 days.

  • Machu Picchu! We’re very excited to learn about the Incas and their culture.

  • Travel Days. We have 4 contiguous travel days after Machu Picchu.

Happy Thanksgiving, from our family to yours!

Cheers,Jenn + Elliot