Sunday Summary #54 - Work Month: Week 1

Sunday Summary #54 - Work Month: Week 1 ✅

Sunday Summary #54

Work Month: Week 1 ✅

Hello ,

Welcome to Scho & Jo’s 54th Sunday Summary. This edition of the Sunday Summary was written aboard PIVOT anchored in No Name Harbor in Biscayne Key, Florida.

    Last Week.

    We celebrated Elliot’s 30th Birthday aboard PIVOT and took advantage of the sunny weather and local attractions. After a pancake breakfast, the three of us walked to the local beach where we watched Ollie play with a coconut in the sand. It provided us with a lot of laughter and joy to watch as she shredded the coconut. Later in the day we ventured out to Stiltsville, which is part of Key Biscayne National Park, to go snorkeling with our friends, Gwen and Andy. It was a lot of fun and we even saw a sting ray and a huge orange starfish. We ended Elliot’s birthday with some pizza and beer.

    Later in the week, we said our goodbyes to our friends Andy, Gwen, and Aiden as they made their way to the Bahamas. It has been such a fun two month period of buddy boating with them that when we look back on our past year of boating experience, it may have just been the most fun two months we spent on the water. We will miss them dearly and are looking forward to reconnecting this summer!

    Once they left, our work month in the Keys began! It’s been a pretty calm week full of runs and dog walks throughout Bill Baggs Cape Florida State Park, eating delicious meals from our galley, and work. This has been the perfect spot for us to work on our laptops as there is great cell service, excellent protection from the wind, and easy access to shore for us to take Ollie out. We had some of our best solar days with over 500 watts of solar (at the peak) and have enjoyed the warm temperatures, allowing us to keep our windows open, run a fan, or put on a light jacket if needed. After a week and a half, though, it’s time to move on...

    This Week.

    Tomorrow we leave No Name Harbor and make our way to Boca Chita Key for a night or two before making our way further south to Key Largo. Our schedule has work as the main priority, but to balance that work and play, we’ll be enjoying more walks with Ollie and, hopefully, even some paddle board rides!


    Incase you missed it, here are all the vlogs we’ve released since our last Sunday Summary:

    Cooking a Holiday Feast in our Tiny Homes (Trawler vs Sailboat Galleys) w/ @Abroad Reach Travel

    During this next month, we will be releasing fewer videos as we catch up on work and prepare to restart our Great Loop. You can expect

    a video every 4 days

    until we restart the Loop and resume daily travel vlogs. So you can expect a video on Monday and Friday this week 😊


    One of our goals for 2022 is to write more on our website! Here are blogs that we’ve published this week:


    We are looking for recommendations for destinations and spots along our Great Loop to go see, visit, and enjoy. It's been a real challenge for us to keep track and stay organized with the many wonderful recommendations we've received thus far. So we've created a Google Form to help us stay organized.


    After catching up with one of our favorite YouTube channels tonight, we were reminded how each day is a gift. It sounds a little silly to have someone remind you of just how precious life is, instead of remembering on our own each morning, but sometimes life gets in the way of remembering what’s really important in life. So in going to bed tonight, I’m thankful for Elliot turning 30. I’m thankful to have had the opportunity to celebrate 15 birthdays together and all of the big and small moments in between. Life is precious and we’re so blessed to get to share this life together.

    Peace and love,Jenn + Elliot