Sunday Summary #5

Sunday Summary #5

Sunday Summary #05

Family time in Santiago!

Bienvenidos ,

Welcome to An Urban Journey’s fifth Sunday Summary. Here’s a quick recap of what happened last week and what’s to come:

Last Week.

After visiting Iguazú, we continued our long bus travel by driving across Argentina. We stopped in Córdoba and Mendoza on our way to our 5th country, Chile! We really enjoyed seeing Córdoba, the second largest city in Argentina, which gave us more perspective on the country as a whole. In Chile we met our family and it has been fantastic. One of the unfortunate side affects of traveling, is that relationships can be tougher and family is harder to stay in touch with. This week we were able to take a step back and have quality family time. 

Some of the most memorable experiences in the past week: 

  • Eating Choripan in Parque Sarmiento at the El Dante.

  • Visiting Finca Decero Vineyard in Mendoza and eating a curated 5 course meal. It was delicious!

  • Going figure skating with our cousins in Santiago, Chile.

We also posted our final Colombia vlog and start of Lima, Peru! 

This Week.

Today, we are excited about going to the beach and seeing more of Chile but next week is all about Cuzco, Peru before we leave for Machu Picchu on Sunday! We will be working and preparing for our 4 day/3 night trek in Cuzco. 

Thanks to everyone for following the beginning of our journey!

Cheers,Jenn + Elliot