Sunday Summary #48 - Leaving the Marina

Sunday Summary #48 - Leaving the Marina

Sunday Summary #48

Leaving the Marina

Hello ,

Welcome to Scho & Jo’s 48th Sunday Summary. This edition of the Sunday Summary was written from PIVOT in Crisfield, Maryland.

    Last Week.

    We had some very special guests with us aboard PIVOT last week. We met our internet friends, Adam and Kathryn, who are the faces behind the Adventures of A+K YouTube channel and blog as they travel around in their converted van! We cooked them an Indian feast (as a throwback to our time cooking while lockdown in India), enjoyed hanging out and playing cards, exploring Crisfield, and celebrated Adam's birthday on the water where we tried out our new anchor for the very first time. It was just what we need to recharge and fuel for our final week of boat projects before heading south. We enjoyed our last week of hot showers, unlimited water, and electric at the marina. It was nice while it lasted!

    Our list of boat projects was MASSIVE! We gave you a sneak peak of the boat projects that we'll be showing you in upcoming videos, however, that wasn't all of our boat projects. As we continued to live on PIVOT full time, more boat projects arose and getting them all fixed is a task and a learning curve. We finished installing our new anchor, painted our decks, installing our two additional solar panels, a battery monitor, and testing out our new dinghy motor. On top of that we fixed our head (bathroom) issues, fixed our galley (kitchen) sink, and did a major interior cleaning after all of the sanding and grinding from our deck replacement project. It was a FULL week and we unfortunately didn't have time to edit any new videos, but we did do a lot of filming! So we're excited to be about 2-3 weeks behind "real time" and will be releasing videos next week. Thank you for understanding! 

    This Week.

    We are leaving Crisfield and the marina we have been at for the past 2.5 months on Tuesday, weather depending! We were actually supposed to leave today (Sunday), but decided to push our departure date since the weather models are predicting strong gusts on Monday. We are so excited to be leaving the dock and cruising again! We'll be traveling with our friends Andy and Gwen from Abroad Reach Travel and are looking forward to seeing their new boat, a 1980 Tartan 37. We'll be testing out our rusty boat skills as we've only left the dock for pump outs and a short trip with our friends, Adam and Kathryn. We plan on taking it nice and slow. 

    In keeping with the theme of leaving the safe, protected marina this week, Jenn's mantra as challenges arise will be from her favorite author, Brene Brown...

    "Today I choose courage over comfort." - Brené Brown


    It's not often that we get to hang out with our internet friends who choose to live a similar lifestyle to ours traveling full time whether it be a life on the road, water, on in suitcases. It's really special to be able to spend time with people in this space of content creation while full-time traveling. We are able to relate to many of the great moments and challenges that come our way. We couldn't be more grateful for the time we shared with Adam and Kathryn and look forward to spending more time with them in the future. It was the perfect re-charge to help us stay inspired, excited, and optimistic for what lies ahead.PS - If you are interested traveling the US by land at all, we HIGHLY recommend subscribing to Adam and Kathryn on YouTube and checking out their blog! They write exceptional in-depth guides to making the most out of your trip from the east coast to the west coast and everything in between including the National Parks, state parks, and many of the cities in between. The travel guides on their website are not just focused on vanlife, but instead provide travelers with a slew of knowledge to have a fantastic trip.

    Peace and love,Jenn + Elliot