Sunday Summary #47 - The Big Answer

Sunday Summary #47 - The Big Answer...

Sunday Summary #47

The Big Answer

Hello ,

Welcome to Scho & Jo’s 47th Sunday Summary. This edition of the Sunday Summary was written from the public library in Crisfield, Maryland.This past week's videos answered some of our biggest questions: 1) where are you currently on the loop? and 2) why are you still in the Chesapeake Bay? After revealing Elliot's wrist break from early this summer, the loops we went through for wrist surgery, and the timing of it all, we were not able to complete our Great Loop in 2021 and had to postpone it for 2022. We'll be heading south for the winter and restarting our loop in 2022 when the weather warms. 

    Last Two Weeks.

    Last week Elliot progressed on our deck replacement project. His work on these decks have been a labor of love in making our home on the water a more enjoyable place to live. It's been a very tiresome project filled with a lot of problem solving as we tackle the final parts of the deck. We're excited to announce that we are finally faring our decks, which is the second to last step for this project. 

    This Week.

    We have some very special guests with us aboard PIVOT this weekend. We're meeting our internet friends, Adam and Kathryn, who are the faces behind the Adventures of A+K YouTube channel and blog where they make excellent guides for various hikes, cities, and parks as they travel around in their converted van! We've been chatting with Adam and Kathryn for the past year and have been wanting to meet them in person ever since. We originally had plans to meet in them in the Great Lakes this past summer, but due to Elliot's wrist break, that wasn't in the cards. So we're so excited to finally be hanging out with them this weekend and we get to celebrate Adam's birthday with him. It's going to be a fun few days filled with dancing, hiking, and lots of ice cream. Following their visit, we are in a mad dash to finish our boat projects so we can leave the marina and start heading south! Our list this week includes finishing the decks, finishing the install of our new anchor, testing out our new dinghy motor, and installing our two additional solar panels. On top of that we have to get PIVOT ready to leave the dock, so some provisioning, deep cleaning, and overall maintenance is also on our list. Due to the impending deadline to leave the marina and the enormous list of things to complete before leaving, we will not be releasing any videos this week. We are really sad about this as we've released e videos a week for the past 16 weeks, however, editing and posting videos has to take a back seat this week. We look forward for posting videos the following week. Thanks for understanding!


    Our video release schedule is Monday, Wednesday, and Friday at 10am EST. Incase you missed it, here are all the vlogs we’ve released since our last Sunday Summary:

    Boater Requires Medical Attention on a Remote Island in the Chesapeake Bay

    Ferrying back to Smith Island after our Unexpected Helicopter Ride | Great Loop Boating Injury

    She’s the Captain Now | Docking the Boat for the First Time on the Great Loop

    Great Loop Boater Injury Leads to Wrist Surgery and a 4 Month Recovery

    Our Great Loop Got Cut Short | What's Next?

    “The secret of life, though, is to fall seven timesand to get up eight times.”― Paulo Coelho, the author of The Alchemist


    This week we'd like to extend our gratitudes to all our amazing followers we've met up in person. It's been unexpected but brightens our day! It brings us joy to put faces to your names, usernames and emails. So if you cross paths with PIVOT or her crew please take some time to say hello! Even if its only for a second, we greatly appreciate it! 

    Peace and love,Jenn + Elliot