Sunday Summary #46 - The Big Question

Sunday Summary #46 - The Big Question...

Sunday Summary #46

The Big Question

Hello ,

Welcome to Scho & Jo’s 46th Sunday Summary. This edition of the Sunday Summary was written from the public library in Crisfield, Maryland.

    Last Week.

    Last week Elliot progressed on our deck replacement project. His work on these decks have been a labor of love in making our home on the water a more enjoyable place to live. It's been a very tiresome project filled with a lot of problem solving as we tackle the final parts of the deck.

    This Week.

    We'll be chugging along on our boat projects this week. Elliot will finish rebuilding our lower deck and begin our flybridge before we begin the next step of faring and painting. It's been a massive project and undertaking and we can't wait to be finished with it.

    The ongoing question we've received since we began posting our Great Loop videos on YouTube is 1-"where are we currently?" and 2-"why are we still in the Chesapeake Bay?" Well my friends, this week on YouTube it will all make sense as we'll be answering these questions in the next few videos. Yay! By the end of next week, we will be doing some YouTube Magic and catching you up to real time, publishing videos in our current location of Crisfield, Maryland. We hope you stay tuned for tomorrow's video and you keep with us through this next two weeks of videos!

    "You will face many defeats in life,but never let yourself be defeated."-Maya Angelou


    Our video release schedule is Monday, Wednesday, and Friday at 10am EST. Incase you missed it, here are all the vlogs we’ve released since our last Sunday Summary:

    Entering Virginia through The Dismal Swamp Canal

    Boating is Getting Better | Our Second Lock leaving the Dismal Swamp into Portsmouth

    Old Railroader Visits Norfolk Virginia and a private tour of the Commodore Theatre

    Seasick entering the Chesapeake Bay on the Great Loop | Traveling to Smith Island


    Fall in the Chesapeake has brought with it cooler weather, the changing of leaves, and apple cider. We've been really enjoying our time in the Chesapeake Bay during this season. We're really grateful to have the opportunity to experience autumn in this beautiful part of the country!

    Peace and love,Jenn + Elliot