Sunday Summary #45 - The Value of Experimenting

Sunday Summary #45 - The Value of Experimenting

Sunday Summary #45

The Value of Experimenting

Hello ,

Welcome to Scho & Jo’s 45th Sunday Summary. This edition of the Sunday Summary was written from the public library in Crisfield, Maryland.

    Last Week.

    We had our cups filled after we spent last week working hard on boat projects and then seeing our friends Andy and Gwen from Abroad Reach Travel. There's nothing quite like achieving your work goals to be followed by some genuine fun with friends. Ollie also enjoyed reuniting with their dog, Aiden, and running around with her buddy. Annapolis, Maryland is the sailing capital of the United States, so it only made sense that we attend the Annapolis Sailboat Show since we're so close. It was such a fun day walking inside a variety of different boats and visiting vendors with our friends. One of our viewers even spotted us and stopped to say hello and chat. It was amazing to meet Paul, Stan, and Beth. Paul brought a HUGE smile to Jenn's face as he recalled watching one of our episodes and was laughing along side us as we continue to learn and grow.

    You may be thinking, "Why attend a sailboat show if we own a powerboat?" Well, why not? We believe in the value of experimenting and trying new things. Experimenting is one of the many things that brought us to this point in our lives. We experiment with different types of YouTube videos (question for you further down this email). Jenn experiments with trying new recipes and tweaking them along the way. Our "gap year" was an experiment to see if we could last an entire year away from our friends and family in the US and if we could budget well enough to make it last. During that year, Jenn gifted Elliot with sailing lessons for his birthday while we were in Melbourne, Australia because we thought it'd be fun to learn something new. We returned to the United States craving more adventure, experimentation, and travel. So we bought a boat and decided to travel around America's Great Loop. So trying new things, attending the sailboat show isn't too crazy for us. We love trying new and experiencing new things. There's a value to experimenting, even if you fail and have some bumps and bruises along the way. Who knows, maybe sometime in the future we'll get a sailboat.

    "You don't need to have everything figured out. Try new things. Experiment. Mess up. Start over." - Anonymous

    This Week.

    More boat projects will consume the majority of our time in the next few weeks as Elliot finishes our deck replacement project and we begin the remaining list of boat projects before we head south for the winter. Elliot is about 75% finished with our lower deck, and due to the cold front that came into the Chesapeake, we're glad we started this project when we did!


    Our video release schedule is Monday, Wednesday, and Friday at 10am EST. Incase you missed it, here are all the vlogs we’ve released since our last Sunday Summary:

    Boat Jobs NEVER End in Elizabeth City, NC

    The REAL experience of our FIRST LOCK on the Great Loop

    Hiking the Great Dismal Swamp State Park


    We've had a lot of new YouTube and email subscribers in the past month and are really enjoying connecting with more people. We want to ask YOU, what kind of videos are you looking for and enjoy most? Reply back to this email and let us know!


    Time with friends is not something we get consistently as we're usually on the move, with spotty wifi, or have very different schedules. Spending time with our friends, Andy and Gwen this past week was amazing! We're so thankful to have met them and are grateful to call them friends. 

    Peace and love,Jenn + Elliot