Sunday Summary #38 - Doctor's Last Check-Up

Sunday Summary #38 - Doctor's Last Check-Up

Sunday Summary #38

Elliot's Final Check-Up!

Hello ,

Welcome to Scho & Jo’s 38th Sunday Summary. This edition of the Sunday Summary was written from Jen's parent's house in Green Cove Springs, Florida.

    Last Week.

    Elliot had his final check-up with his surgeon and the doctor gave him an all clear! We're thrilled that Elliot has recovered from his broken wrist. Elliot broke his wrist on Wednesday, May 26th and had surgery on Monday, June 14th. The process of recovery and healing with physical therapy took much longer than we had originally expected, but we've embraced the pivot! PT will continue at home for the next 6 months but Elliot is mainly back to normal!

    Last weekend we carpooled with friends to Alabama for a wedding. We hiked 6 miles in Talladega National Forest before dancing the night away from the first song to the last. We had a BLAST! It was so much fun catching up with friends and grooving all. night. long.

    This Week.

    After catching up editing a month's worth of videos, we made the difficult decision to stay at Jen's parent's home until we finish getting caught up editing 25 more videos. It was a really tough decision to make, but we felt that it was the best decision for us. This means we'll have to PIVOT, and postpone our goal of finishing America's Great Loop next year. Yes we could technically finish the Great Loop this year, however, we'd be rushing through it and wouldn't have the opportunity to really enjoy all the stops along the way. By making this decision, we'll be able to return to PIVOT and work on the much needed boat jobs that we've been postponing. Next week we'll explain more of our boat project plans.

    "Preparation for tomorrow is hard work today."-Bruce Lee


    We have finally begun our Great Loop videos and we cannot be more excited! Incase you missed it, here are all the vlogs we’ve released since our last Sunday Summary:

    Our Best Boating Spot in Florida | Finishing our Maiden Voyage

    Leaving our Home Marina FOREVER | Let Boat Life Begin

    Boating through Jacksonville to start the Great Loop

    Starting America's Great Loop | Boating to Cumberland Island

    INSANE Storm Hits Cumberland Island | Great Loop Day 2

    Boating to Sharktooth Beach in Jekyll Island | Great Loop Day 3

    Our new video release schedule is Monday, Wednesday, and Friday at 10am EST. 

    If you haven’t already, we would love for you to

    or share our videos with your friends and family to spread the love. It's a FREE way to show us support that goes a very long way.


    Friends and Family. It's no surprise that we love to travel; it's what ignites a spark inside us. One of the biggest downfalls to spending time away from our family is the lack of community we feel from the time we spend with our friends and family. After spending a year abroad to travel around the world and getting lockdown in India, we have come to appreciate the time we get to spend with our family. From seeing our parents, to celebrating birthdays and wedding, it's been really enjoyable to enjoy and embrace this chapter of life.

    Peace and love,Jenn + Elliot