Sunday Summary #36 - Our Big Change of Plans

Sunday Summary #36 - Our Big Change of Plans

Sunday Summary #36

Our Big Change of Plans

Hello ,

Welcome to Scho & Jo’s 36th Sunday Summary. This edition of the Sunday Summary was written from Jen's parent's home in Green Cove Springs, Florida.

    Last Week.

    We've been chugging along editing videos, working on our new website, learning new skills, and trying to grow our new business. The process of navigating life as a new entrepreneur can be tricky and we're doing our best navigating these new waters.

    We were interviewed for "Your Travel Mentors," a free newsletter offering travel advice that comes from experienced travelers. We talked about our 110 days spent in Jodhpur, India during their nationwide lockdown and 5 months in India as well as our current adventure of traveling America's Great Loop aboard PIVŌT.

    Last week, I mentioned we listed to The 4-Hour Work Week on Audible. We've continued to listen to audio books and this week's book is "Spark: The Revolutionary New Science of Exercise and the Brain" which goes into the science and studies of how the exercise keeps the brain sharp. As a result, we've been trying even harder to get our daily exercise in wether it be with online classes or walks around the neighborhood with our dog, we've made a point to get moving for 30 minutes. Today marks our 18th day of continued exercise and movement. Wahoo!!

    “What it means is that you have the power to change your brain.All you have to do is lace up your running shoes.”―John J. Ratey,Spark: The Revolutionary New Science of Exercise and the Brain

    This Week.

    Not much new here! Elliot is continuing his physical therapy here in Florida and is finally seeing some results, next week will be focusing on range of motion and strength. We're still working behind the scenes on videos and our business and can't wait to reveal it all to you!

    In our last Sunday Summary, we announced that we would update you on our change of travel plans post our most recent Pivot from Elliot's broken wrist. Unfortunately, we won't be able to complete the Great Loop this year due to the weather window required to safely travel in the Great Lakes. We simply don't have enough time... Once Elliot finishes his required physical therapy, we'll be finishing our summer with some much needed boat projects and upgrades back in Maryland. After completing these projects, we'll spend some time exploring the Chesapeake in the fall and then restart the Great Loop in 2022! We're sad we won't be completing the Loop this year, but we know it's the best decision and are excited with the time to work on PIVŌT and give her the much needed upgrades to make living aboard her significantly better.


    Incase you missed it, here are all the vlogs we’ve released since our last Sunday Summary:

    We Bought a Boat!

    NEW Boat Owners Prepping for Launch

    Everything Goes Wrong | Painting our OLD boat

    Christening our new boat, let boat life begin!

    If you haven’t already, we would love for you to

    or share our videos with your friends and family to spread the love. It's a FREE way to show us support that goes a very long way.


    Although Elliot's broken wrist through us in a curve ball, we've been so grateful for this time to get caught up on videos, work on our business with strong wifi (what is this?!), and take time to slow down and enjoy life. It's been a blessing in disguise and we're grateful for the time it has given us.

    Peace and love,Jenn + Elliot