Sunday Summary #32 - PIVOT

Sunday Summary #32 - PIVOT

Sunday Summary #32

The meaning of pivot...

Hello ,

Welcome to Scho & Jo’s 32nd Sunday Summary on a Tuesday. This edition of the Sunday Summary was written aboard our boat Pivot as she is docked at a marina in Crisfield, Maryland.

    Pivot: (verb) the action or an instance of turning around on a point.

    Or we think of it as the action of changing our plans.

      Last Week.

      Last week we had the opportunity to explore Norfolk, VA which had a deep connection to Elliot as his first job out of college was with Norfolk Southern RR, headquartered out of Norfolk, VA. We enjoyed exploring Norfolk during the day and Portsmouth in the evening where we saw the film Nomadland at the Commodore Theatre and got a private tour of this renovated theatre from the 1940's from the owner himself, Fred Schoenfeld.

      The following day, we left Virginia and made our way to our 6th state of Maryland. It was our longest cruise yet as we traveled 76.2 nautical miles and 12.5 hours to Smith Island, the last inhabited island in Maryland. This island has 3 towns with a total of 200 year long residents. We docked at the Smith Island Bakery and were excited to explore this little island known for it's Smith Island Cake (the state dessert of Maryland) and some local crab. As we were heading to the Smith Island Museum he following day, we pivoted.

      As Elliot was leaving our boat and missed the dock and fell, breaking his wrist. On a small town, with very few inhabitants and resources, Elliot knew we weren't going anywhere fast. A local crab fisherman saw the accident and helped us to the bakery where the local baker called the EMT. The sirens were heard throughout the island and within minutes Elliot was getting medical attention. Soon after, we found ourselves on a helicopter with Maryland State Troopers flying to the Salisbury Hospital. After 11 hours (mostly waiting) in the ER, Elliot walked out with his wrist re-aligned and placed in a temporary cast.

      We retuned back to Pivot the next afternoon on one of the two ferry rides to Smith Island from the mainland and picked up Ollie, who had stayed with the local baker for the night. Jen's parents drove up from Florida the following day and made the second ferry of the day with 3 minutes to spare. They helped us move our boat to the closest marina on the mainland by taking over Jen's duties as first mate while Jen took over Elliot's duties as captain. It was a huge help as our crew aboard Pivot is one man down.

      Now this is far from what we had expected our Memorial Day weekend to be like. We originally had planned time with friends and some overdue boat projects, but sometimes theres a different plan for us and theres nothing we can do but pivot. We've learned the importance of pivoting our plans on our boat, throughout our previous international travels, and now with a broken wrist. So once again, we are practicing our ability to pivot.


      Incase you missed it, here are all the vlogs we’ve released since our last Sunday Summary:

      This Week.

      For the next six weeks, we will be staying in the Crab Capital of the United States: Crisfield, Maryland! We booked a one month stay at a marina to have a safe place for Elliot to heal and attend his upcoming doctor appointments. The marina has everything we need to wait out this period and focus on rest and recovery. Elliot has a follow up appointment this week where the doctor will determine if he needs surgery or if the wrist re-alignment was successful.


      We’re so grateful that Elliot's injuries were limited to his wrist and not worse! The thought of how this accident could have been an injury to his head, a broken leg, or a concussion makes us so thankful his injuries were limited to his wrist. We're also thankful for all of the doctors, nurses, and cleaning staff who helped Elliot at Salisbury Hospital. We're grateful for Jen's parents who were able to make their way to Smith Island and help us crew Pivot to the mainland while we had a good weather window. Lastly, we're grateful for all of the love and support we've received from friends and family during this time!If you haven’t already, we would love for you to subscribe to our channel or share our videos with your friends and family to spread the love.

      Peace and love,Jenn + Elliot