Sunday Summary #26 - Goa, India

Sunday Summary #25 - Goa, India and Exciting News

Sunday Summary #26

Our last days in India...

Namaste ,

Welcome to An Urban Journey’s 26th Sunday Summary. This edition of the Sunday Summary was written in our airbnb in Goa, India. These are our last few days here in India… yes, you read that right, our last days in India. After 5 months in India, we are leaving this week! 

    Last Week.

    During our few days of sunshine this week, we tried to get back to exploring! We had a few days where we just drove around Goa, explored the capital, and saw some of the beautiful beaches. 

    Here are some highlights from the past week:

    • We took a free walking tour of Panjim. We were very excited to take a free walking tour, as we took many in South America. Our guide, Padmaj, was a biomedical student taking some time off of school to give tours the capital of Goa, Panjim. Goa was invaded / settled by the Portuguese in the early 1500’s and it was really interesting to learn more about a new state in India! 

    • We booked our flights out of India! India is still struggling with COVID-19 and for Unlock 3.0 they have not changed tourism or international travel. Flights are open to passengers going to their countries of residence so we booked a flight to the USA! We’re going home! We have big plans for the next few months so stay tuned, we may not be flying internationally but our next adventure is going to be awesome. Stay tuned.

    • We toured Aguada Fort. Created in 1612 by the Portuguese, it is positioned near the entrance of the Mandovi River as it connects to the Arabian Sea. It was never taken by hostile forces and gets its name “Place of Water” as it was built on a natural spring!

    • Elliot finished 3 more books this week, making his total in the last 2 weeks up to 7. He had a slight addiction to some fiction novels...


    Here are all the vlogs we’ve released since our last Sunday Summary:

    If you haven’t already, we would love for you to subscribe to our channel or share our videos with your friends and family to spread the love.

    This Week.

    As we mentioned earlier, this is our last week in India so we are trying to make the most of it. That means taking advantage of the opportunities we have for sunsets, scooter rides on Lambo, and Indian food when it’s not raining. It almost feels surreal that we are leaving India after being here for so long, but we’re excited about what’s next. Although we don’t want to spoil anything, we hope you continue to follow along our next chapter. 


    We continue to be grateful for the opportunities that we have been presented with this past year. Sending you peace and well being from our space in the world to yours. Thank you for following our journey!

    Namaste,Jenn + Elliot