Sunday Summary #24 - Goa, India

Sunday Summary #24 - Goa, India

Sunday Summary #24

We made it to Goa!

Namaste ,

Welcome to An Urban Journey’s 24th Sunday Summary. This edition of the Sunday Summary was not written from our hotel in Jodhpur or a government quarantine facility; it was written from our new AirBNB in Goa, India!

    Last Week.

    This past week was a whirlwind! Last week we had our final travel days into our new state of Goa, India. We started with an early morning flight from Jaipur on Monday where we were fully sanitized before entering the airport. Then our connecting flight in Hyderabad went surprisingly smooth; the lounge was open with appropriate social distancing measures and we arrived in Goa without a hitch. Once we were in Goa, we had our only issue of traveling during COVID. We were not allowed to stay at our AirBnB... We had to stay in a government approved facility for 2 nights as our covid tests were processing, but all went smoothly with two negative results and here we are!

    Here are some highlights from this week:

    • We moved into an Airbnb! We now officially have a washing machine and a kitchen… no more sink laundry!

    • We secured a motor scooter that we nicknamed Lambo to get us around Goa for the next month. For only $60 USD for the month, it’s a steal that gives us incredible freedom here as there’s no Uber or tuktuks (see photo below).

    • We cooked for the first time in 4 months! It was so nice to be in a space with a full kitchen that gives us the freedom to make what we want, when we want!

    Here are all the vlogs we’ve released since our last Sunday Summary:

    If you haven’t already, we would love for you to subscribe to our channel or share our videos with your friends and family to spread the love.

    This Week.

    International travel is still closed for India, so we plan to stay in Goa for the next month, before we hope international travel will reopen in early August. With that being said, we plan to explore Goa as the weather permits. It is the monsoon season, which means daily showers and a few scattered hours of sunshine. We hope to use that sunshine to the best of our ability to see the beautiful beaches of Goa.

    We continue to be grateful for these opportunities that we have been presented with and are excited for the adventures that lie ahead. Sending you peace and well being from our space in the world to yours. Thank you for following our journey!

    Namaste,Jenn + Elliot