Sunday Summary #114 - Marathon + Updates

Sunday Summary #114 - Marathon + Updates

Sunday Summary #114

Marathon + Updates

Hi ,

Welcome to Scho & Jo’s 114th Sunday Summary. This edition of the Sunday Summary was written in northeast Florida.

If you’re new to our Sunday Summary, make sure you read our big announcement from two weeks ago!

    Last Week.

    We’ve spent the last week heads down working on the final touches to release our Anchoring Course. There's a lot that goes on behind the scenes, such as setting up the course on our website, designing a workbook that goes hand in hand with the material in the course, and finalizing our massive spreadsheet with anchorages we stayed at or had backup plans for throughout our 6,000-mile journey. We’ve poured a lot of time into the course, so it’s packed full of information and lessons learned. The course will released next week, and you (our email list subscribers) will be the first to know!

    Outside of the course, we’ve been working to continue releasing three videos/week and writing blog posts full of valuable information. See below for the recent videos and blogs!Since completing the Great Loop, we’ve been focused on our health through exercise and food. This past Sunday, Elliot also ran his 3rd marathon and 2nd this year. He ran in the Donna Marathon for Breast Cancer awareness and he finished at 4:26, making his goal of under 4:30. I’m super proud of him as he ran in the rain and wind on race day.

    This Week.

    Since moving off PIVOT, we’ve been in a transitionary stage. We’ve been in this stage before, like when we were preparing to leave for full-time international travel or when we came back to the US and were preparing to move onto a boat, but each time we’re in this phase, we get antsy, question the decisions that have led us here, and do our best to keep focused our goal.

    This week we’re moving in with my grandmother, also known as Nanny, for the next 3-4 months as we begin our van build. We’re still in the process of ordering products and components for the van build, so we don’t plan to start it immediately. We’re excited for this next transition as she lives alone, and this unique opportunity allows us to spend a lot of time with her.

    “Always focus on how far you've come, not how far you have to go.”-Anonymous


    Our new video release schedule of three videos a week has kept us busy! We hope you’ve enjoyed our recent videos:

    Exploring the LOST ISLAND (Gulf Island National Seashore)

    We had ROUGH SEAS on the way to our SAFE HARBOR (Navarre, Florida)

    Our Experience with STARLINK boating America's Great Loop


    Cruising to Panama City Beach (after a crazy thunderstorm)

    SHORT DAYS on America's Great Loop (Anchoring near Panama City Beach)



    Incase you missed it, here are all the blogs we’ve released since our last Sunday Summary:

    We're writing many blog posts, including how-to's, travel guides, cruising guides, checklists, and more! Since our YouTube videos are more experiential-based, we'd love to answer your questions in detailed blog posts.

    If you have any questions you'd like answered or topics you want more information on, please respond to this email and let us know!

     From the Eyes of Ollie. 

    My parents said were moving... again! I've been to Nanny's house before. She gives me a lot of treats even though my parents don't like it. Hopefully, Nanny and my mom will get confused about who fed me, so I'll get an extra meal or two. 


    Transitionary stages cause us to take a step back and look at the bigger picture. They force us to reflect on how far we’ve come, where we’re going, and if our past goals are still relevant to us now since we’ve grown along the way. Whenever we are traveling, we’re often times very in the moment, or focused on what’s next from a detailed perspective. Our current stage allows us to take a step back and see the forest from the trees. Although this stage isn’t our “fun” stage, it’s important as it allows us to focus on growing our small business, which allows us to continue traveling and sharing it all with you! Although I often wish we were doing the “fun stuff” of traveling, filming, seeing new places, and trying new things, I have to remind myself that it’s this phase, right now, that’s most crucial to our growth. We’re grateful to work on this small business of ours and live the life we’re living. Thank you for following along!

    Peace and love,Jenn + Elliot


    If you are new to our Sunday Summary, you can take a look at previous issues here.