Sunday Summary #109 - New Blog Post: 101 Gift Ideas for Boaters

Sunday Summary #109 - New Blog Post: 101 Gift Ideas for Boaters 🎁

Sunday Summary #109

101 Gift Ideas for Boaters 🎁

Hi ,

Welcome to Scho & Jo’s 109th Sunday Summary. This edition of the Sunday Summary was written in northeast, Florida.

    Last Week.

    We’ve had another uneventful week focused on working. It’s been rainy and windy (20-30 knots) all week long, which has made staying inside to work on our laptops much easier, however, it’s made us a little stir-crazy for some nice outdoor runs and dog walks. In the effort of work life balance, we also enjoyed trying to recreate a recipe from our favorite taco stand, the UFO taco, while playing a new board game, Trekking the National Parks. Today is the first day of sunshine in a week, and we will be thoroughly enjoying it.

    This Week.

    With Thanksgiving on the horizon, we’ll be spending it with family. We’ve been reminiscing about spending last Thanksgiving with our friends and fellow loopers, Bruce and Maggie, in Chattanooga. If you celebrate Thanksgiving, we wish you a wonderful holiday!

    “Change is the only constant in life, and the seasons have their own unique way of reminding us of that."- Anonymous


    In case you missed it, here are all the vlogs we’ve released since our last Sunday Summary:

    Exploring the Music Capital of Alabama

    MASSIVE LOCKS up the Tennessee River (Chattanooga Side Trip Day 3)


    We know this is the season for gift-giving, and even though we're not big gift people ourselves, we know some other people are. We've compiled a list of 101 gift ideas for boaters on our website. It includes a lot of practical gifts (like products we used throughout our loop) and some splurge items. It's organized by budget as low as under $25. We've also included some of our gift giving tips!

     From the Eyes of Ollie. 

    This week has been raining… all week. My parents took me out for a long walk in the rain, and at first I hated it but then I found a shell I really liked so my walk got better. I was soaked by the time I got back. Maybe they forgot that I don’t like baths…? Anyway, last night’s walk was nice!


    The changing of seasons brings shorter days, soups and stews, and more cozy nights. This is one of my favorite times of the year and we’re excited to be spending it with friends and family in the upcoming weeks.

    Peace and love,Jenn + Elliot


    If you are new to our Sunday Summary, you can check out previous issues here.

    For any boaters or loopers transiting through the Mid-West Locks, check out our How to Lock Blog Post for our tips and tricks! We also have guides for both the Nashville and Chattanooga side trips, so check those out if you are interested.While this is our "Sunday Summary" we are only sending updates when relevant until we kick off the next adventure full-time, and there may be weeks in between updates. We appreciate everyone reading!