Sunday Summary #106 -

Sunday Summary #106 - 🏃 Preparing for the next adventure 🇦🇱

Sunday Summary #106

🏃 Preparing for the next adventure 🇦🇱

Hi ,

Welcome to Scho & Jo’s 106th Sunday Summary. This edition of the Sunday Summary was written in northeast Florida from our hometown. I (Elliot) am giving Jen a break by writing this Sunday Summary as Jen finishes up our tasks for the week!

    Last Two Weeks.

    After getting back home from Maine, we had three main goals: spending time visiting family, wrapping up the sale of Pivot, and going through our storage unit in preparation for our next Pivot (😉).My brother, his wife, and their 18-month-old son flew to Florida from Israel and my sister flew home from Denver to all catch-up! It's very rare that Jen and I are in Florida, so we made the most of the time together. Typically, we fill our time with Scho & Jo work to grow our business, but we took a step back and had a more traditional schedule, spending a lot of time with family. We spent a night camping at a State Park in St. Augustine, going on family runs, enjoying BBQs, and just hanging out. It both filled our souls and was extremely draining by the end of our time together! It reinforced our need to spend time with the people we care about and the next chapter of Scho and Jo will enable that!

    As we mentioned in the last Sunday Summary, Pivot was sold! Due to the arrangements of the sale, we still needed to head to the boat yard take care of a few documents, and wrap up some last-minute tasks. It still feels weird that Pivot isn’t our home anymore, we are thoroughly enjoying editing our videos of the Rivers, and every time we drive by the St. Johns River we feel the pull of the water!

    The last goal of the past two weeks has been to move storage units, getting rid of much of the stuff we no longer need! As some of you know, when we left to travel abroad from our home in Atlanta, we expected to be gone for a year, and then move right back in when we got back home. Well that one year turned into four, and our lives have been completely changed. Living out of suitcases, then moving onto our trawler, and now planning for the next Pivot, has made us re-evaluate what is necessary and what is worth holding on to! We made a lot of tough decisions on what to keep, sell, or donate which concluded with the community Garage Sale yesterday.

    The Next Two Weeks.

    We will be spending the next week in St. Augustine, Florida as we prep for the following week! Our next big trip will be our first international flight since 2020, to…. Albania!

    Yes, you read that right, Albania. Albania is located in South Eastern Europe, across the Adriatic from Italy, sandwiched by Montenegro in the North and Greece in the South. Our two close friends, Nate and Alicia from The Passport Couple live in Albania so we will be catching up, exploring the country, and… running the Tirana Marathon!

    The upcoming Marathon, technically my second, but my first organized Marathon, has also been a huge time sink over the past few months since RAGBRAI. We have been running 30 to 50 miles a week to hopefully thrive (or at least survive) the event. Nate and I will be running the full distance, Jen will be tackling the half-distance and Alicia will be taking care of the crew! Our next Sunday Summary will be the weekend of the event so you will be among the first to hear how it ends up!

    "It doesn’t matter how you do it, just get out there and do it"- Dean Karnazes, Ultramarathon Runner


    We kicked off the start of our Nashville side trip since our last Sunday Summary! We are sharing each moment, so make sure you stay tuned, and our final video of the series we will do a wrap-up on whether or not we recommend the Nashville side trip!

    In case you missed it, here are all the vlogs we’ve released since our last Sunday Summary:

    SCHEDULES and BOATS Do not mix (or have we learned?)



    COLDEST Morning on Anchor yet (Nashville Side Trip day 2)


     From the Eyes of Ollie. 

    Wow, life on land sure is relaxing. My parents don’t seem to get it, always running around doing something, they should just lounge and enjoy the moment! I am looking forward to going to the beach and getting some new sniffs though. I love long walks on the beach and playing in the water.


    Being able to spend time with family while we all live and travel in different areas of the world was special. It doesn’t happen enough, but with the next generation (our 18-month-old nephew) we all have new perspectives as we journey through life figuring things out as we go.

    Peace and love,Jenn + Elliot


    If you are new to our Sunday Summary, you can check out previous issues here.

    For any boaters or loopers transiting through the Mid-West Locks, check out our How to Lock Blog Post for our tips and tricks!