120: Giveaway + The End of an Chapter

We started our van build, have new Great Loop blog posts, and more!

Sunday Summary #120

Giveaway + The End of a Chapter

Hi there,

Welcome to Scho & Jo’s 120th Sunday Summary. This edition of the Sunday Summary was written in northeast Florida.


Congratulations to our three giveaway winners! We’ve sent the email out to the three people who won. We’re excited to share all the products in our store with you so you can have the best loop possible 🥳 If you didn’t win in our giveaway and are interested in the products in our shop, here’s a 15% off coupon for the next week: GIVEAWAY_06_24.

Last Week(s).

We have been working to finish editing our backlog of videos since completing our loop. After a few hurdles, we’re completely done with our video backlog and are so very happy it’s complete. To give you some context, it took us 15 months to edit 122 videos which averaged out to be 2 videos/week. Whooo! Neither one of us expected it to take this long to edit so many videos, but we’re glad we did and are even more glad that it’s done.

Since we completed our backlog of videos, we have officially started working on our van build. It was really important to us to finish our video backlog before starting our van build so we could put all our time and energy into building a great van, or home, for us. Yesterday was the first day of our van build, and it was exhausting, to say the least. Filming and making many decisions about our van layout was challenging, but we reminded ourselves that these are growing pains and that doing something new comes with opportunities for learning and growth.

This Week.

This week, we will be making the first cuts into our van. I’m sure there will be a lot of sweaty hands and high nerves this week 😬 We’ll be sharing our van build process with updates on Instagram, so be sure to follow us there for the latest content.

I would be lying if I didn’t say I am worried and a bit anxious about this next chapter of van life and exploring North America. We’re in a chapter of unknown and have been for the past year. The unknown of the van build, the next adventures we’ll go on, and the growth of our business. Being in the unknown is hard, but reminding ourselves that there are rainbows after the storm is helping to ground us. If you’re in a period or chapter of the unknown, know we understand and send uplifting thoughts your way.

Fear is often our immediate response to uncertainty. There's nothing wrong with experiencing fear. They key is not to get stuck in it.

Gabrielle Bernstein


Blogs and Guides.

In case you missed it, here are all the blogs we’ve released since our last Sunday Summary:

Suggest Boating Guides from Us

We are developing schoandjo.com as a resource for traveling on the Great Loop, our van, and the places we visit. If you have any part of the Loop or boating in general that interests you and you would like to learn more about, let us know via email, and we will consider writing a detailed guide on the subject if we’re knowledgeable about it. The guides are free and meant to be informational to help you travel. We’re writing them specifically with the information we wish we had when we did the Great Loop.

From the Eyes of Ollie.

My parents have been putting me to work. They said it was time for me to help with this who van build thing. They gave me a tape measure, but I don’t have opposable thumbs and don’t know what to do with this thing. I just stay by them so I can supervise because they can be a little frick and frack at times.

Ollie is making sure there’s enough room for treats inside the van.


We are feeling all of the love and support from so many after the release of our final Great Loop video, and we just want to say THANK YOU for taking time out of your day to watch it! It was a lot of work, but your outstanding reviews have made it all worthwhile. Reading so many kind and thoughtful comments made us feel the love 🫶 

See you next Sunday!

Peace and love,

Jen + Elliot